When we talk about organic matter and biomass, etc…….Most people are likely picturing dead wheat straw (hay) but probably not much more past that point. The true end goal though is the end product of humus produced from that biomass....like in the picture below of highly organic soil where the soil microbes have formed the humus into “soil aggregates”…..Soil aggregates are what give soil structure and allows things like proper water infiltration and soil aeration to take place….This is from my property with the same crappy soil……It just formed from a different source of decomposing organic matter over time……Same concepts though and something that should even turn on a lightbulb as to why you need to include some woodier types of biomass in your food plot rotation over time. Sunn hemp for example…..dog fennel…..blackberry…..milo……It’s a different type of carbon source than a fine grass provides.


Aggregation – Arrangement of primary soil particles (sand, silt, clay) around soil organic matter and through particle associations. Aggregate stability is a good indicator of soil health.

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Last edited by CNC; 07/18/21 10:12 AM.

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