I hunted a couple different public land spots here in Tennessee all last season. Probably put in 25 days total between the two , mostly weekdays. Only had 2 encounters where someone tried to park near me and hunt the same birds I was on. One backed out when he saw me but tried to circle around on the next ridge. I walked straight to the turkey and ran him off and killed him a couple weeks later. (At least I think it was the same bird based on his distinct gobble) The other guy drove up on me about 45 minutes before daylight and asked where I was going. We were already within 300 yards of the property line so I told him I was gonna sit there and listen and go whichever direction the first bird gobbled. He looked at me like I had two heads and just sat there staring straight ahead for the next few seconds then backed out and left. I think he thought I was being unreasonable. He beat me to that spot the following 2 mornings and I just backed out and went elsewhere. Other than that I had very few encounters with other hunters. I imagine I'd have a lot more issues if I didn't have the luxury of hunting weekdays and leaving the weekends alone.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"