Originally Posted by BhamFred
It is pretty dark in the woods so I decide not to call again. I'm just sitting, chilling then notice something, a small white spot right in front of me, WTH??
Damn, it's a gobbler at ten steps IN THE DAMN NEAR DARK. I can see maybe 20 yards. I raise my 870 and flame shoots six FEET out the barrel on the shot. I jump up and take three steps and put a foot on his neck. I look up and his buddy is standing ten feet away just looking at me. Damn, he has a 12" beard..I tell him to scat before I shoot his ass. He walks off slowly, looking back at me.
Neighbor accuses me of limbing one.....
I don't call that early to a roosted bird anymore....

I was approaching a pair of gobblers late season one year in Illinois. Dark thirty. They had a habit of pitching down on a near vertical hillside and heading off to parts unknown completely uninterested in the ladies so I used the dark and leaf cover to get Uber close. I had to be within 50 yards of them in the tree to be able to see them when they hit the tree. Uber close.

I had just breached that barrier and was staring at one of the gobblers black against the sky while looking for a tree when I stepped on a branch.........I clucked on my mouth call-gobblbovelblelboblelbl!!!!! Smiling, I turned my eyes down for a second and when I looked up I saw that white head standing there pointblank.

I remember throwing up my shotgun oddly. I remember seeing the white head fill the 3x power scope. I remember the flames.I remember the world going white. I also remember the teeth and blood from one of the worst scopings you’ve ever seen.

The ER nurse asked if I got the turkey. I told her I couldn’t have shown my face in there if I hadn’t.

Last edited by Swampdrummin; 02/28/21 07:57 PM.

Quack quack.