Originally Posted by olemossy
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Everyone wants to compare us to the midwestern states, but doesn't want the season laws that would partially get us there.

Can you imagine the uproar here if Alabama instituted only a 9 day firearms season like Wisconsin. Or, even better, did like Illinois and have NO rifle season...and only like a single weekend shotgun and mz season?

Great point Hunterbuck.

But there in lies the problem. If the DOC told the Alabama Hunting Public that we needed to change our seasons length or harvest amounts we would have a serious problem. Because MOST people in this state do not like being told what to do and most of the time fight over it. "i aint doing i aint doing that" Even if its for the best, they would fight it tooth and nail.

Yep, and it always seems like the "neighbors" are always the problem. Kinda like...."I don't want things to change for me, but the state's gotta do something about my neighbor killing all my deer".

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?