Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Remington270
In these type discussions, no one ever mentions shooting fewer deer. I guess it's not exciting to "not" pull the trigger. The best deer hunting in the nation, is in places with massive deer populations.

If anyone listens to the MeatEater podcast, a frequent guest on there talks about his area of Wisconsin having 60 deer per square mile. They have phenomenal hunting in terms of quantity, and quality. For reference, that's probably 4 times as many deer as huge swaths of the state of Alabama.

There’s plenty of places in AL that support 60 deer per sq mile and more. There’s VERY few places in AL that have 4x less than that. Perception and reality are often very different.

You can’t compare anything in Wisconsin to anything here. You’ve got some of the most fertile soil on earth up there. There’s a reason parts of Wisconsin lead B&C and P&Y entries. The soil and vegetation can support a lot of deer. They also have a 9 day gun season. If we had a 9 day fun season we’d have more deer than the place could support in a hurry.

I agree you cant compare them But I get what Rem is saying.
if we limited the number of trigger pulls in Alabama we would have more deer right?? I mean makes sense to me.
Not advocating for any kind of new rules or legislation or anything else... i am merely agreeing with the post.