Good discussion……..I think it’s good to be able to see things from a macro level and a micro level at the same time. Someone who has managed both ways would have a well-rounded perspective of things……The thing I cant help but think about when having this discussion with you is that I have 25 acres and my neighbors have 5000 and 1100…….However, I would just about guarantee you that if we all posted a pic of the good bucks that have been taken off our places over the last 15 years……I bet you would have a much harder time picking out the “little guy”……What if “the man” were being that productive pound for pound? I think to some degree managing on only a macro level can make some managers get sloppy over time and forget the things that make you successful in sealing the deal on one……I see it while tracking for folks…..It’s like you got this muilti-million dollar property but your hunting it like an amateur because there’s a bunch of deer and you can just about stick someone anywhere and have them see one.

We dont rent pigs