Originally Posted by Beer Belly
That bigger news..................

WHO is going to change the COVID testing to reduce the number of false positives. (Run fewer cycles on the PCR testing)

This was announced an hour after the inauguration.


Exactly, best way to make a pandemic go away is change the testing protocol and quit talking about it and reporting on it. Worked great for Obama and Biden on swine flu. They just got the CDC to issue new guidance saying that testing was no longer needed and wallah, swine flu was gone.

Here’s a question, if the false positives are a problem (and we’ve All known this for a long while) why is this just now coming out?. This is the CDC’s first time to formally mention/address false positives on the tests. I’ll tell you why, they increased the sensitivity on the tests to generate more positives in late summer and fall to hurt Trump and help push mail in voting.