I'm a little late to this thread but I'll still throw down. If you really want to learn to call coyotes, go and watch MFK game calls videos. Those cats flat out wear them out. And try to pay attention to little things they do such as calling inside the woods vs out in the open, and trying to get close as you can to them before calling. Alot of times these yotes won't travel a great distance to check a call out. Those 2 things changed the way I hunted yotes and definitely increased my success.

Uou clearly have a pack of them where you are. I would get a MFK howler diaphragm and use that to locate them right before dark. Then go back in the morning and try to get close to them, then call. Thats how the MFK folks do it most of the time. Be mindful of your wind. They are scent freaks and will try to circle you to see what you are as well. Just keep your head on a swivel. You may hear them in one direction, but have a yote actually come from behind.

On my property, I have to do it a little different because I don't have a pack of them. I will call at various well known locations. If I don't get a taker, I will move about a 100 yards and do it again, and just work my way around the property like that. When I get close enough to one, he will come. I try not to call in the exact same place twice if I have spooked one from that spot. I also try to use different sounds in both the same stand and different days. Hope that helps and I hope you can improve your deer numbers. They wreak havoc on our population.