Originally Posted by jwalker77
Yeah i know it all lined up just right. I dont know if you saw my other thread but ive got oats and daikons sprouting right now. Weird stuff. What i would really like is to go full on perrineal. Thats just hard to do.

Just add a little bit of white clover into your seed mix each fall and broadcast it....like 1 pound to the acre even....$5.....You're about to switch to something that is more like perennial plantings.....You'll have a little of both going at the same time in the same field

Its funny what we humans let get in our way sometimes.....The appearance of the plots is one of the biggest issues in most people's minds.....I find that interesting I guess....Of all of the variables in the equation to be concerned with.....we are worried about it being messy and ugly like a bunch of west coast granola crunchers looking at a recently logged clear-cut grin

On the topic of utilization......go back and look a little closer at the top pic again......Look at the clumps of dog fennel you can see on the ground getting consumed by cereal rye.....See how much taller those areas are than the areas in between them???......Those areas are getting some early protection from browsing pressure....It'll slowly disappear as the winter progresses

Last edited by CNC; 12/06/20 09:29 AM.

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