Everyone around me took all of this as gospel when they started the kill all the does talk and opened up the doe season. We went from seeing 10-20 deer every weekend to 10-20 a year. We are finally regaining some numbers, but it took 20 years. We did not see more bucks, Rut did not intensify, Bucks did not get bigger.

If you are seeing 1 or 2 bucks per sit you are well above the curve. If you shoot a bunch of does you will have less deer, you will see less deer. The only reason to shoot them from a management perspective is if you truly are overpopulated. There are very few placed left in Alabama where that is the case. If you have plenty of deer and want to shoot some does, fine, shoot them. Do not expect to then start seeing more bucks. If you shoot too many it can take a while to recover.