This is my opinion and my opinion only. I think killing the right does rather then any doe helps with keeping bucks in an area outside the rut. I’ve noticed on our place, especially now that baiting is legal that bucks are usually the first deer to find the corn pile. They will eat use that corn pile until some old bitch doe runs them off. I’ve noticed this on plots also. I see this a lot with the cameras. We laid off killing does for the last 5-6 years and it is biting us in the arse. We all agreed to start taking out some of these older aggressive does. You know the ones that just walk around blowing all day long. So far we have killed 3 does on our place. 1 old doe and 2 young does. The same guy shot the 2 young ones. I asked what happened to the plan we had. He said they looked big enough to him. rofl
I’m still on a mission to kill a couple of them long necked long nose blowing bitches but my time is running out. I may be all wrong about the old ones we’re gonna try it.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.