In the pitch dark, a red dot is as worthless as anything else when you can’t see your target. If you add some light, to see your target, then most other stuff works, also. “The vast majority of our special forces“ do NOT use either Aimpoints or EoTechs. There are more Trijicons (of various, prism. LPV) on our books (last I saw), some Aimpoints, some Elcans, and some leftover EoTechs. It doesn’t really work like that, anyway....most any individual has 2-3 different options assigned/available, for the use at hand. They pick what fits that niche. Red dots can work great, but they’re not necessarily always inherently ‘better’, than other stuff.....other stuff can have illuminated aiming points AND stuff red dots don’t.

Last edited by ALMODUX; 10/17/20 05:40 PM.