So I haven’t given many updates or posted much about my new pup. It’s been a long sad summer for us after losing Shelby back in April. I’ve been training my new pup Ruby from day one but I just haven’t had the same fire lit in under me until here lately. With the season getting closer and closer I’m starting to get the itch though and ready to get her in the woods on some real tracks. She’s just now getting big enough to wear the Garmin Alpha collar so we can start training on it.

You hear the older trackers talk a lot about having good dogs over the years but there only being one or two that are truly outstanding and what you call “once in a lifetime” type trackers. I hate to call it too early and jinx her but I think little Ruby has the potential to be just that. She’s a natural at it and a natural hunter. She doesn’t care anything at all about playing fetch with a ball…..she wants to go to the field and hunt and sniff for stuff. At 5 months old she’s already running mock tracks with the patience and meticulous nose work of a seasoned tracker. She stops and takes time to sniff individual leaves and twigs, etc….She’s way farther along right now than either Otis or Shelby were at this age. I won’t be surprised at all if she’s finding deer for folks by the end of this first season. We’ll find out here pretty soon………

Coming soon…….”The Tales of Otis and Ruby Roo”

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We dont rent pigs