Originally Posted by 2Dogs
How many cams you have out? How many acres? I've had them where no racked bucks and bunches of does and fawns come all Summer and the next cam over the hill has only bucks.

And as far as having a bunch of does and deer in general, you can have a lot of them if you have enough food , it's that simple.

It’s a little more complex when talking about how bucks and does are distributed. Does seek out places where they will have the best chance of successfully giving birth to and raising fawns. It revolves around food AND cover. Both of these dictate how many does will use and area before social conflict becomes an issue. Coyotes are having an impact on this as well as does will seek out areas that are void of coyotes.

They also don’t tolerate young bucks dispersing into these area either and typically run then off when the area is already at max social capacity. I’ve read that buck dispersal can take place when does go to give birth as well as right before they get ready to breed. I tend to think that most of ours probably disperse before does give birth but later born fawns may come back and stay with mama longer. These dispersing bucks don’t get to take up residence the areas where the does have congregated to give birth and raise their fawns for the first few weeks or months. They are kicked on down the road and have to establish their future core area outside of these prime fawning grounds. Its one of the reasons I believe we see bucks inhabiting different areas outside of the rut.

Last edited by CNC; 08/25/20 01:54 PM.

We dont rent pigs