Originally Posted by BradB
Oh I know the bucks are there.They are just tucked away in the thinned pines staying far away from those cantankerous biotches. Unlike us they don't have to put up with them but a few weeks a year.The only camera he set up is in the middle of the grocery store so the results are skewed, but we usually have at least one nice batchelor group hanging in that area.I had hoped to get a few feeders/cameras set up in a few areas more suitable to bucks but as usual no time. I have never been a big doe shooter, I like seeing deer when I hunt, dont really have any brown/down neighbors and I have turned into a total puss in my old age. I don't really like shooting anything much these days but will make an exception for a mature buck.If I need some freezer meat I can always invite someone out on halves and let them deal with it, but otherwise the girls around my place are pretty safe.


We dont rent pigs