I mentioned this briefly in another thread in the serious deer forum…….as if there’s such a thing around here……..but if there’s anyone out there with a high fence operation who wanted to try some new out of the box techniques…..I really would like to help someone introduce cattle or buffalo to the situation and see what kind of management results could come from it. It’s a pretty interesting idea because most management tools cost money……fire costs, herbicide costs, running heavy equipment cost…..etc, etc…….Cattle or buffalo would be a management tool though that made money in the end and eliminated the need for many of those other accrued costs. I’m sure it would require some trial and error to get a feel for how many would be needed and any unforeseen problems that may arise…..but it would be a very cool thing to see if it worked out like I believe it could. Instead of rotating the buffalo herd around with hot wire and such like with mob grazing…..you would just let them run wild inside of the high fence and manage the understory the same way they did the great plains for centuries…..allowing them to freely move from one area to another according to their needs and the level of the vegetation……This is where some tweaking would be required to find the number of animals that wasn’t too much or too little to accomplish the desired objectives…....Just an idea in case anyone with the means to do such is reading along……..

Last edited by CNC; 08/20/20 04:40 PM.

We dont rent pigs