Originally Posted by perchjerker
These cities are getting a taste of what life is like under Democrat rules and they deserve it. It's the same in all the cities where riots are going on and Dem's are in charge. This lawlessness is going to require blood loss to be righted. It's up to the rioters on how much blood they are willing to lose.. Trump 2020

Chicago hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1931. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Portland, OR since 1956. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Minneapolis since 1973. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Atlanta since 1879. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Seattle since 1969. Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957. There’s not been a Republican mayor of St. Louis since 1949. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Baltimore since 1967. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Oakland since 1966. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of New Orleans since 1872. The last GOP mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Washington D.C. since ever.