For a while now I seem to have had trouble getting in the forum. Crazy busy with gardens and just recently took down most of my summer garden. Tomatoes may have made it a bit longer but my cattle panel gave way on one end and created chaos, so I just said screw it. Cucumbers were still producing but looked like crap, so they went too.

My wooden raised beds were in sad repair and the older ones slap falling apart. Time for some work! We had shells made to fit over the existing beds and added two 4x4 beds. The shells are made of tin and wood on the outside. They look wonderful & we are so pleased with the refurbish. We had a load of top soil delivered and added to all the beds, filled the two new ones about 3/4 of the way and then added 1400 pounds of bagged soil to top them all off. Loamy material for easy planting and seed growth.

I have a late patch of corn in my low bed as well as a winter squash plant. I have just planted rutabagas, spinach and cabbage, all seed. Will plant some greens a bit later. I have some pics I will try to add. Hope you are all staying safe and well. I was saddened to see BhamFred’s news.

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.