That is what I found to be true Todd - when I use to live in both FL and Arky - those guys have fed deer for years - we are just starting legally. They all commented in the clubs I got In - good bucks do not like the electrical noise of a feeder - you will get pictures of does and small bucks but nothing good In daylight. What I also learned - good bucks don’t like electrical!!!! When I pour on ground especially in the woods - you will see what you got on your place - May take several weeks - but good buck show up when I pour it on the ground. Some guys may get good bucks on the camera with electrical feeder on here - but I Never had luck with it. They use to say you had to raise buck on the electrical feeder to get him to come to it when he is older. I never gave it that much time - don’t do electrical for the scare factor. Everybody is different and whatever works for you though.

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever