Originally Posted by RCHRR
Originally Posted by green river 123
wiley i am new here just joined recently.long time stalker.have really enjoyed reading and keeping up with the deer hunters especially.the mask we wear in hospitals while taking care o covid patients are different than the ones you see everyone wearing . all the other nurses wearing regular mask.fox news had a interesting report on this last night. we wear n95 mask and suit up like we just made a lunar landing when taking care of covid patient. big problem with nurrses catching it is when you take care of a patient for a week before they realize patient has it.

Don’t know where you work but I can assure you that’s not the norm.

Well, it should be the norm if it’s a KNOWN Covid patient. We do the same thing. The problem lies when you don’t know the patient is positive. You get exposed and find out 5 days later you had an exposure. How many people have you crossed paths with in the past 5 days without being 100% conscious of possible contamination? I’m required to wear a face covering at all times on work property with the exception of eating. I only wear it because I have to. I’m not wearing it anywhere else prior to the new public area mandate BS

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