Originally Posted by brushwhacker
This guys Is like obama if obama was a preacher. He eloquently speaks slowly an deliberate an draws you in to what he says. Don t believe word he said. Bibles says beware a Wolf in sheeps clothing. No man can tell by how im looking at him if im a racist . Thats bullcrap.He does not know whats in my heart. He has agenda against white people just like most blacks do. At least he is proud some slave owners brought his ancestors to this country or be would be in africa. Why can t these people just be happy to live in the Greatest country ever an try to better themselves without bad mouthing everybody but themselves. There is not another country in the world these People would rather live. He says it himself. He lives in providence. Sounds like he has a faith in god . He needs use it to help instead bad mouthing me an tryIng make me think something is wrong with me because of the way i think an color of MY skin.I don t have any kind of white privilege. I have the opportunity just like every other american to get my ass up every morning an go to work an make a life for myself an family.

Surely you didn’t get that out of that video??