Originally Posted by eclipse829
Originally Posted by doekiller
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by doekiller
What cracks me up is all the people that don’t care that every police organization in the country has said this isn’t proper technique and that the officer was in the wrong.

Why is that funny to you?

Because it goes to show that it doesn’t matter what experts on the issue say. Aldeer know better.

And to some, it simply has to be the African American fault.

The officer absolutely bears blame but Mr Floyd does too. If he had not committed a crime by uttering a forged document (most likely it will turn out to be he fraudulently endorsed a stolen check), ....he would have had no interaction with police whatsoever and the entire incident which has now cost someone their life and ruined countless other lives, started riots, caused property damage, and the entire incident would never have occured in the first place had he not broken the law to start it all.

It's not about black or white, at least it shouldnt be, but it seems that everything today has to have a racial component which is really really sad. We are all created equal and everyone should be treated with respect and all laws applied equally regardless of your skin color.