I killed my biggest and only Grunted in Public Land Deer back years ago.

Hunting a creek bottom, it sounded like a tree frog. So every sound it made, I tried to mimic the same sound back at that frog.

This was before cell phones, so me and my buddy had those Motorola Radios. He came over the radio and asked if I'd seen anything. Told him I was playing with a tree frog.

No sooner than we got done talking, I grunted again and this nice 8pt came running out of the creek straight at me. I had my .270 up and waiting for him to stop.

When he finally stopped about 75yds out, he had me pegged, and was looking at me right down my scope. And I was 25 feet up a pine tree.

It was a straight on shot, and he flopped over. Haven't grunted one in since. But I believe it does work.

Life is a journey. Make sure and bring plenty of Beer.

My luck has been so bad lately, it could be raining pussies and I'd catch one with a dick broke off in it.