I truly hope this is not an act of pure racism and hate, as many have speculated. With that said, I am curious to know how many people who think that this was the case have been victims of repeated theft and burglary?

At a previous residence, I had items stole from inside my truck 3 times (my fault, I eventually learned to lock the doors). However, once we got into the habit of locking the doors a brick was thrown through my wife's car window to steal a purse in her floorboard (Nothing valuable, just a tote bag basically). An aluminum boat stolen out of the back yard. Panted palm trees were pulled out of the ground.

I had 5 of the 6 incidents recorded on security cameras. Only 1 conviction out of the 5, it was a white guy who pulled his truck into the yard and tied a rope around two palm trees (habitual offender, police recognized his vehicle immediately). The other 4 were black males, that is the most that could ever be made from video .

My family and I felt personally violated each and every time an incident occurred. Multiple times, the next morning on video, we watched thieves literally break into our vehicles parked in our driveway, separated only by a few feet and the exterior wall from where we laid our heads every night.

I am not saying I agree with their actions but I can see how, after being victimized repeatedly, the events that occurred could play out.

- Repeat theft and burglary in the neighborhood.
- A profile is identified (black male) from security systems.
- Suspicious activity at neighboring residence. Police are called and the decision to confront the individual is made.
- Weapon is brought to confront suspicious individual (General Assumption is that a thief is armed too).
- Suspicious individual attacks and attempts to take away personal defense weapon.
- ……..