Sad truth is, regardless of how this one turns out, is that some people have been trained to jump to the conclusion that whites are evil and persecute and kill blacks because of their skin color. It has been drilled into their heads so completely that they cannot imagine anything else. They never ever get upset when a black persecutes or kills a white. Some even believe it is justified simply because they've been trained that whites are so evil (yes, I know one that said that about OJs victims). I ask those people why do you not jump to the same conclusion that it was all about race when a white is killed by a black? Really think about that question and answer it honestly, not with a pre-programmed kneejerk answer. And then tell us how are we ever going to make progress against racism if we MUST all agree that whites are evil or else face public condemnation for not doing so?

I would like to know the details before declaring that this was racially motivated.