I noticed some guy asked him this question on Twitter:

>>> How much higher is the poult recruitment rate on unhunted land vs similar land that is hunted? I think that is the number you need to publicize.<<<

And this was his response:

>>>We are just beginning a large-scale study on a nonhunted population, and can hopefully answer that question.<<<

So the guy asked a follow-up question:

>>>I would have thought that had been studied long ago. The SC study had lots of info about their nonhunted area, but I couldn't find any mention of the poult recruitment rate on it. I was surprised by that<<<

And this was the reply:

>>>Yes, we've been doing gobbling work there for several years, but only recently secured enough funding to do the reproductive work.<<<

So let me translate that for you: There is still no evidence that legal Spring hunting of gobblers has any effect on poult production. All we have is a theory that has been repeated enough that it is now regarded as The Truth.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.