Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by Todd1700
The measures taken to minimize the impact of this virus are a classic damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

If people hadn't been compelled to stay home and the schools and large crowd events like concerts and sports venues had not been shut down I can promise you this would have been way, way worse. And the government would have been blasted for not doing enough.

So the government takes these measures and it does help to minimize the spread. (Exactly how much we'll never know) But then when the measures help it opens you up to the charge that this was just a bunch of overated BS because things didn't get as dire as originally predicted.

You can't win either way.

But I can tell you this. I have been an RN for 23 years. I have seen just about every communicable disease we humans transmit to one another in this country. I deal with seasonal flu every year. This is worse than flu. It has a higher rate of complication. Some people have a mild case true but it's hell on the elderly and those with underlying problems. And it can be hell on anyone. We have had one nurse get this virus at our hospital (all of us are tested) and she is in a ICU bed in Montgomery as we speak. She's in her 40's with no serious chronic health issues. There has also been multiple deaths related to this virus even in my little rural corner of the world.

But what the hell do I know. I just do this chit for a living. There are people here at Aldeer that read some chit on an internet blog by some asshat probably living in their mothers basement. They are the real experts here.

I've noticed most of the medical field folks I know have come to a similar thought process. Even those that first thought no big deal now think otherwise.

Y'all should issue a Covid Challenge and see how many badasses are actually willing to traverse the Covid floors of their local hospital, unprotected of course. The kicker, they can't get healthcare after doing so.

I've changed my position on what is happening, I used to think it was being overplayed, now not so much but still not sure of exactly what should be done.
I understand those people that have compromised health issues but now some young and otherwise healthy folks are dying with it makes one think.

I completely understand the economic catastrophe underway, but I do not understand a few things.
Like who was closed down and who wasn't when the large crowds simply shifted from one local to another. Of course politically it depends on which side does what too.

I've watched my wife have to make administrative decisions based on established protocols. She is a recent CEO over a healthcare facility, she is far from a liberal in a very liberal based field.
I'd like for anyone to actually give answers, not rhetoric as to how, when and where all this should play out.

Lastly, if you do not think social distancing or whatever one wants to call it, if it didn't work then why have the larger US metropolitan areas been hit hard while smaller communities have been less effected.

Why did the draconian measures in China mitigate/stop the spread to their larger cities? Wuhan was devastated yet larger cities were largely protected.

Funny I workout with quite a few doctors, nurses and spouses of doctors and nurses and as of today only one has acted like this was the plague of all plagues. The rest are still living life to the fullest and still working out as a group contrary to CDC recommendations. I know one doctor that got sick a week ago so them and their family self quarantined until the test came back negative, but other than that none have been sick recently nor do they wear masks or gloves away from work. Now they all do agree that once contracted it is worse than the flu and I think everyone can agree with that but i don't think we will ever agree on what the government should or shouldn't have done.

Life is too short to be small !!
