Originally Posted by Maggie123
Originally Posted by deerman24
tell me why to water in morning. I've always watered in afternoon.

The best time to water is in the early morning right as the day breaks and the temperature still low so there’s no evaporation. If you water in late afternoon, your plants won’t have enough time to dry before sunset, and thus giving disease the perfect breeding ground which could destroy your garden.

Watering in the morning has several advantages. The winds tend to be calmer, so sprinkler spray doesn't drift, and low temperatures mean you lose less from evaporation. Watering early in the day provides the plants with moisture for vigorous growth during the day and prevents heat stress.

I've always heard that about afternoon watering but it's never been a problem for me. Now if I watered everyday I could see disease being a problem but I'm not that into watering. I'll water over night and that's it for several days.

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