I took my uncle and cousin on a lease I had in Wayne County TN when it was absolutely covered in turkeys. I let them shoot all the ones they called up and never lifted my gun even when I had an easy opportunity to double with my uncle. I just didn't get it because there were so many birds it just seemed too easy. Fast forward 5 or 6 years and I went with my brother on a place we had permission on in Alabama. . I'd been practicing with a mouth call all off season and decided I was going to give it another try. We heard a few birds but most were too far off the property but I struck one about 7:30 in a deep creek bottom that I thought we could get to. We walked down in the bottom and he answered me several times but I told my brother he was on the other side of a big creek. I started cutting hard at him and I heard wings flap and we dove for cover. He came in on a full run from about 150 yards and stopped at 50 yards and was gobbling his head off. I was shooting a 20 gauge and needed him to come 10 more yards but he got nervous when he couldn't see a hen and skirted us by using a blow down for cover and walked by us at 15 yards gobbling as he left. I looked at my brother and told him I was hunting every damn day until i killed one. I was mad at em like nothing else and I finally killed one on the last hunt that year. I've loved it ever since.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"