Years ago I was hunting one afternoon on our lease in Meriwether County Georgia. After dark when I stopped by the sign-in/out board to pull my pin out I looked down through the woods which were thinned planted pines and saw two green lights about 75 yards away that looked like the led cap lights that are sold today.
Only thing about this is they had not even come out with them yet. Also no one else was sign to hunt that evening. I had left my flash light in the truck and I always like walking in the dark in the woods so I decided to get closer and see if I could figure out what it was. As I walked the lights always stayed about the same distance from me at the same height and they never turned or disappeared behind a tree. After going a couple hundred yards in the woods I got a very uneasy feeling and decided that I really did not want to know what it was. So I turned around and headed back to the truck and they followed me the same way,always about 75 yards away,always at the same height and never turning or going behind a tree. By the time I got to the power line where my truck was parked I was almost running and already had my keys in my hand.

I had hunted this property for many years before and I am still clueless as to what it was.