I’m getting ready to set this experiment up in the next few days. I’ve got a little bit of a different idea for the signs on the first run. I’m just gonna go with solid bright yellow I think…..but I’m gonna go back and put a second coating over it of glow in the dark paint. I read that coyotes are able to pick up light at night much better than human eyes. So in theory, the yellow glow in the dark signs on either side of the road should really stand out to a coyote. I don’t know if they’ll perceive it as two lights or not but that’s sorta what I’m going for. Having to pass between the two lights is what I’m hoping is too much for him and it turns him around or makes him detour.

First thing I’m gonna do is just put the camera out and maybe put out a little bit of bait to make sure I’ve got some willing test subjects and to make sure the camera location isn't spooking them so that later on I can say it was the signs that were the difference. I know this probably seems crazy or absurd but so have other ideas I’ve had… grin

Last edited by CNC; 03/09/20 01:24 PM.

We dont rent pigs