Originally Posted by blumsden
Hallb, in your opinion, what is the right height for the feeding tubes? In the pictures it looks like smaller deer would struggle to feed from those.

Posted this up above earlier was buried in my other comments:

One thing I did do on the last one or two was bury the post a few inches deeper, think it says bury an 8' 4x4 3' in the ground. It seemed to leave the openings a little high to me, but it doesn't seem to bother the deer, they just stretch their necks out.

I thought maybe they were a little high at first, but after seeing the pics come thru the season, the 3' they say to bury is fine - I'd go 3' plus 3-4 more inches maybe? Even the smaller does can eat out of them fine. The fawns and yearlings may struggle a little bit, but they're usually with a bunch of does anyways that tend to knock a bunch of corn out on the ground for them to eat. So they are all getting their share.