Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Try this... It's honestly like eating some kind of dessert.

Take a pint Mason jar and put in:

1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
1/2 cup of Plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup of milk
1 heaping tsp of cocoa powder
1 heaping tbsp of honey (or brown sugar)
1 heaping tbsp of peanut butter
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

(I use this stuff https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002QZORGK/ref=twister_B07Y2J84JG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 because it is low in cholesterol and taste great.)

Stir it all up, put on the lid and place it in the fridge over night.

In the morning just grab it and go and eat it anytime you want for breakfast. It's great cold right out of the jar.

I'll give this a try , I'm gonna add some flax seed.

Oops... I forgot... I tsp of chia seeds. This is a key ingredient.

You can swap out the peanut butter and cocoa powder for fruits and nuts and change it up a little, but the rest of the recipe is what is basic