Originally Posted by donia
catch it at work?? I always cringe when someone comes to work sick...they usually pass it around the office! I can't get one girl to understand to STAY HOME IF YOU'RE SICK, WE DON'T WANT IT!! her excuse is that she feels guilty missing work....but not about passing sickness around the office, though.

I'm still amazed that my wife isn't sick more often, as often as she is in dr offices with sick people waiting to be seen. she's in the equipment side of sales, but still has to wait in the same areas as sick people, to see the dr.

I hope the meds kick in soon for some relief....flu SUCKS!!

For some, it is about not being able to afford missing a day's pay from the paycheck. Not all jobs provide paid sick days. I, also, read that you can be contagious before you have any symptoms of the flu so you do not know that you might be sick and need to quarantine yourself.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.---Winnie the Pooh