I have a certain type of SVT. It sucks. I’ve blacked out in Gander mountain and a few other places before. I started out taking atenolol, but it was horrible to me. It made me gain weight, caused me to be tired all the time, tons of side effects. Next they put me on bystolic. It did not have a generic form. Bystolic was $300 a month I believe and my insurance would not cover it. That went on for a while until it’s side effects started getting worse. So I opted to get seen to have an ablation done. I got approved for it but I would’ve had to pay my yearly deductible before they would do it, which was 3500. So I said nope. Now I’m not on any medication, just living with it. Mine seems to be worse at night. My biggest piece of advice would be that when it starts, take a very deep breathe in and flex your chest as hard as you can while holding your breathe. This works to stop it with me around 85% of the time. It seems like stress and being tired makes mine worse. My heart rate will get to 200 BPM and my heart will beat so hard that my shoulders shake like Ray Charles going through withdrawals. And when it comes on, it does it over and over for hours with no relief.

Good luck, I know it sucks.

Last edited by Hevishot13; 01/28/20 01:01 AM.