Update: After my last post a group of jakes (about 10-15) came down the ridge from the opposite direction and I am guessing got in a brawl with the wounded bird. It just sounded like a big turkey throwdown. Then it seemed they ran it off that ridge to the top of another. Last I heard was them flying up about 30 min. later.. My friend and his son tried to find the bird by the direction they saw him run, not where I heard him being run to. Hate to lose a bird like that (the boy was pretty broken up) but at least that property has a healthy population. I think we conservatively have 80-100 birds wintering on those 400 acres and should be fun for spring youth season (I hunt a different place). I'm sure my friends son will be reliving that until we can put him on another bird this spring.

I was no help in the matter because I had an 8 pointer slowly making his way in and my friend left his phone in the truck. I had the buck at 30 yards and was fully drawn but decided it was just too dark for a shot. 10 minutes earlier or 10 yards closer and I'd likely be packing the freezer. Hope he survives all nature throws his way until next fall.

Oh, the kid also informed me that he didn't care about deer hunting anymore cause turkey hunting was way more exciting.