We are staring down the barrel of 10 days of high 50's, low 60's. There ain't gonna be migration with that weather.

Talked to a buddy in southern WI the other day. They had some small backwater start to ice up around Christmas and he got out and ice fished twice, then it warmed up and the ice got too thin. The big water has not iced up yet. They were going to have one day this week with a high of 50. In January. In Wisconsin. He said the marshes have more waterfowl than he sees when the season is open.

I know there are some good holes in historic places that are going to kill ducks regardless of a strong migration but those days of 100K waterfowl up high and coming south ain't happening this year. It didn't happen last year either.

Those rare days when the ducks are where you are and you can blaze them....you better be there, cause it ain't gonna last there are so few around.

We might get some weather come the week of 1/20. I hope so.

Public Land Owner