Originally Posted by Ol’Tom

I'm sorry, but his is such an ridiculous statement to me. We actually SHOULD require that youth/senior hunters buy (or at least register/sign up for) licenses for the very reason you stated. We are not receiving a ton of Federal Excise tax funds from the Pittman Robertson Act that then go to other states because we are reporting lower hunter numbers. This is money that we have ALREADY PAID due to taxes on firearms and ammunition required by the Act. We get that money back in a proportionate amount, which is calculated by...DING DING DING...the number of licensed hunters. The fact that you are pissed that we MIGHT someday require youth/senior hunters purchase licenses is mind boggling. I'm not even actually saying they should have to pay for the license, but they should at least have to register that they intended to hunt, just so that we can show that our hunting numbers are far higher than the actual number of licenses sold. And of course the baiting privilege is a money grab, but who cares? Where do you think that money goes? It goes back into the AL DNR, which then uses it to manage our wildlife. If you have an issue with HOW the DNR manages the wildlife, that's one thing, but the only way the AL DNR gets funding is through licenses and other registration/usage fees, and then the Federal funding from Pittman Robertson. They don't receive any funds from the State.

PR payments are based off of “License” purchased not “Permits”
The BS with the baiting privilege is you can’t really be sure what that money goes to. I don’t like the way Chucky does business!
And I payed for my license

I understand that PR comes from licenses and not baiting permits. I was more commenting on the statement that he could see us requiring some sort of licence for Youth hunters in the future, which I feel would be a good thing, and dislike how we don't already require it.

And sure you can't be sure exactly where the money from baiting permits go, but you could say the same about license fees as well. It all goes to the Al DNR, though, and they have to use it the same way they have to use their other funds. It's not like its a completely separate fund and they can just use it to increase their salary or something.

Last edited by Madd; 01/06/20 09:09 AM.