You can do so much with this wood - everything from furniture, cabinetry, gun stock blanks, etc. It really just depends on what you want to do with it. Just remember to closely inspect it for nails and don't be inhaling any of the dust. As far as the drying - you can do it yourself or have a mill kiln dry it to speed up the process. I'd have to see a pic of the trees but your pretty burls, swirls and crotching will come from the base of the tree, where 2 main limbs join and that wood that is below the ground. I once knew a fellow that would intentionally target the root ball what's below the ground. He'd use a pressure washer to blow out and clean as much dirt as possible before milling. It's a lot of extra wook to do this but he produced some beautiful, figurative wood. Good luck!

Father, son,husband, old soldier, christian and 100% American.