Originally Posted by jono23
I always see posts like this on Facebook and always kind of chuckle thinking about some of the hunters I know. Here is the post (it had a picture of a bunch trucks with dog boxes):

"If we woke up tomorrow morning and a foreign power had invaded our shores the US citizen has more options than the citizens of any other country on this planet.
Just a friendly reminder of those that would try to do harm to the USA.

You will have to fight these folks also. I see a fleet of off road vehicles equipped with communications gear and experienced "trigger pullers" to operate them.

Our still hunting brothers make up the largest standing private infantry unit in the world.

Our bow hunters are some of the best at using concealment to hide and get close.

The HOUNDSMEN are literally the Cavalry. They know how to coordinate a hunt over large distances and are quite skilled at hitting moving targets."

I'm not doubting that a huge chunk of outdoorsmen are also patriots to the core and would love nothing more than to defend our country (a lot of you already have done that) but these posts always seem a little silly. "OUR BOW HUNTERS ARE SOME OF THE BEST AT CONCEALMENT"...they aren't navy seals, shoot... join a FB hunting group and read what some of them say and you might join the other side of the fight rofl

How do you think the "HUNTERS ARMY" would do against invaders? I'm not saying a SELECT GROUP but everyone together.

Father, son,husband, old soldier, christian and 100% American.