Originally Posted by crenshawco
One could argue that shooting a doe fawn is better than shooting a mature doe. A fawn may or may not be mature enough to breed year one. A mature doe will be bred and has a better chance of successfully raising a fawn. If a doe fawn still has spots today, I highly doubt she's getting bred, and she would probably be much more delicious than an ornery old nanny. Just a little devil's advocacy

But if we shoot a doe fawn, she won’t turn into that mature doe capable of dropping multiple fawns or etc.

If we do shoot her, she won’t turn into that b*tch blowing at your stand every morning at daylight.

Catch 22 I guess..

We worry about the neighbor shooting the 2.5 year old buck, but then we go and kill the doe fawns before they can breed.

I haven’t studied it enough to know the biological factors involved, but I’ll continue choosing not to kill spotted fawns.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.