Only reason I asked is because of the reels to use.

This is the exact set up I use...

Millennium rod holders


One 16', one 12'. I then use a 10' Jenko Cypress creek (cheap) and an 8' BnM West Point (cheap) rod. I've tried many different graphite rods and the Jenko SpiderTrolls are the best ones for me. They combine the best amount of weight and backbone, with a still sensitive tip.

That staggers the lines on my rods. From front to back or left to right, the 16' up front, 90 degrees from the boat, the 12' next also at 90 degrees, the 10' at around a 60 degree angle back and the 8' rod again around 45 degree back. You want separation between the lines to prevent a mess

16,12,8 and 6 would be better but I don't have a 6' rod that has a long handle needed for the rod holders.

Don't skimp on your 12 and 16' rod. You'll want graphite. You can get by with fiberglass on the shorter 2.

This reel, in the 1000 or 2000 size is the one I use. I tried a few different cheap reels and this one is best. I probably have 12-15 of them and haven't got a bad one yet. If you go with something similar, but different, buyer beware.

For spider rigging, I use 4, 14' Jenko SpiderTroll rods with baitcaster reels.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14