so ... around about the turn of the New Year, i started noticing some issues with my postal mail ... the first thing that began to happen was outgoing mail would take a very long time to arrive (ie bill payment late notices started to arrive) ... then i started noticing that bills woudn't even show up at all (bills would show up for 2 months instead of the normal 1 month) ... next came a series of wadded up parcels of mail, mail being ripped open, and mail arriving WET (this summer) when it hadn't rained in days ... finally, this past week, my mail stopped arriving altogether ...

turns out - i'd received a piece of mail from the Postmaster (Northport, AL) who said they'd inspected my mailbox & it was 5" short of the required height of rural mailboxes (which is 41-45" to the bottom of the mailbox) & the mailbox should be stationed 6-8" from the curb/side of the road ... Friday, i got out there with my post hole diggers & dug up my post box & re-located it on my property ... 6" from the side of the road, and precisely 41" tall to the bottom of the box ... i then go inside & call the Postmaster & she tells me that ONE mail carrier (new on the route), who happens to be a union worker, is pitching a fit about all us rednecks out in the county that have low mailboxes ... this carrier made the Postmaster go out & inspect & write up over 250 customers & demand they fix their mailboxes -- some of whom have masonry boxes ... they have been withholding my mail (which I'd noticed for several days) b/c i was out of compliance ... i instructed her to release my damn mail immediately as i can prove i'm back in compliance for sure now ... the crazy thing is this required height was written for the CITY -- where carriers are using USPS trucks & the window is higher than what's on your car (which most rural carriers use) ... [i say CITY b/c the picture on the letter is a mail truck -- not somebody's car that most folks use to delivery mail in the county]

she said that if my mail issues continue, my only recourse is to contact Senator Shelby's office & file a complaint ...

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 12/02/19 03:33 PM.

ALDeer physics: for every opinion, there's an equal & opposite opinion

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.