Originally Posted by Clem
Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
Unpopular opinion: I support a no-hug policy. And that has more to do with boundaries than affection. I am not a hugger, and believe me, I catch some serious slack for it at Church(BAPTIST church by the way). I do not think you need to physically touch someone to convey affection. I respect others' personal space and expect that they respect mine. The only woman I would ever actually hug is my wife. I certainly do not intend to hug another woman whether it be at church or elsewhere. I just don't find that necessary or really even appropriate. on that note, I have stopped other men from hugging my wife as well. I catch alot of blowback and usually hear something like "hey man I've known her my whole life." I really don't care how long you've known her, I don't put my hands on your wife, so don't put your hands on mine. I understand it is an age old custom to hug one another but I can exchange platonic pleasantries with women in Sunday school class, or my wife's friends, or other female friends without involving any physical contact.

If I ever have a daughter, I won't allow anyone to hug her. Just not necessary. There are too many creeps out there and there isn't any call for someone to be making physical contact.

Nothing like a hearty handshake for a grandmother or aunt, for sure.

Clem wins close the thread !! I laughed way too hard at that . I’m a hugger btw.