BAITING IS A JOKE. First time ever for me. I put bait out last Saturday. Just poured on ground. I honestly had near or more then 100 shot opportunities at 30 yards of deer head down broadside feeding probably 25-30 different deer. Including a bachelor group of 3 5 plus year old men of the woods bucks that came in with 4 minutes left. I passed the stud bucks at 15 yards to let them get to bait to shoot biggest and they were a little skittish and backed off at about end of legal shooting. Next 3 different folks set for an hour on Sunday an took a doe for meat. Went with nephew this morning and saw 9 come to bait pile in lowndes today in an hour. Nephew took a huge doe letting shooter buck for most walk. IT MAY CHANGE but baiting isnt hunting right now. IT'S more like shooting your grocery meat..