Originally Posted by LetOff
I pulled card out of one of my cams to discover to grown men walking through the food plot after I just seeded it (3 weeks ago). I can plainly see that they are searching for arrow heads, I've found tons of them myself. The vids show them heads to grown, picking up stuff putting in their pocket. As they walk toward the cam, I see one pull out of his pocket one of the heads to show the other (they have not spotted the cam at this point). Now if you don't know how I camo my cams, check out a post I put on here maybe 2 years ago, this cam done the same way. The cam is very difficult to spot until you get right up on it on this plot, in the woods, you may never spot it. So as he is about 10 ft from it, he spots the cam and walks out of the picture. Then as if rehearsed, the next vid has both standing in front of the camera talking to each other about what they've found, pulling the arrow heads out of their pocket so I can see what they have and are doing and he says to the other "this is a good place for finding stuff like this and we aren't hurting anyone or taking anything." Then I have no more vid of them, picks back up on deer movement. CLEARLY they are letting me know they are not there to steal my cams or anything else, just take arrow heads.
No am I upset, of course. Am I going to hunt them down in this small town, no. Will I say something if I see them at the local gas station, yes. This is what I don't understand, BIG BALLS !! Man, where they were at, is NO WHERE NEAR a road or house, they had to walk a LONG ways in the woods to get there. If I would have walked up on them you better know the pistol would be drawn, I ain't saying I'm pointing it at them or firing off rounds, just saying, its going to be in my hand, you're on my private land, in the middle of now where. This ain't lease butted up against another lease or a hunting club and yes its marked and yes there are no trespassing signs but not as many as I'd like at the borders.
My question is this, if I'm them, surely they got to know if I find them, there is going to be trouble. Or do people like this just think they are going to explain that they are not hurting anything, taking anything, I'm just simply looking for arrow heads, that land owners are going to be fine with that after I explain what I'm doing ? They knew they were on camera, they knew it was there, they planned the convo I'm certain of it.
And dont hand me this crap about "be happy they didnt take it" = I get that. I'm just trying to figure out peoples mind set. I wouldn't dare step on private land and ESPECIALLY this time of the year.
Big balls if you ask me.

This is an interesting post. Thanks for posting. At the very least, you need to report the tresspassing and theft and show the evidence to the LEOs and be on record of doing this. Let them do their job to investigate the tresspassing and the theft vs taking matters in your own hands. My biggest concern would be the liability exposure of them "doing nothing wrong" while they trespass and steal. If it ever went to court, you could show proof of having taken reasonable measures to remedy the offenses. 9 out of 10 times that I've taken matters in my own hands and acted out of anger, I've regretted it. Good luck.

Father, son,husband, old soldier, christian and 100% American.