Don t matter what we do my money on the deer. Corn , plots, cover scents, cameras an treestands. %99 of us still come home empty handed on most hunt. We try steer the advantage to us but the deer wins most of time. Everybody underestimates a deer senses. If any have yall have hunted a mature buck you know what im talking about. You can make one mistake an the mature buck will never be seen agin.I can see young bucks an does all the time but the older buck are just smarter no matter how much corn plots or how high you climb a tree.the deer always has the advantage. The best food source in my area is cutover. No matter what you do deer will always be in the cutover.natural Food at deer height. yall can feed, climb trees, scout with cameras, use all the new fangle hunting products an your season still come down to the couple seconds to shoot an you better be ready . Most of time the deer wins.
