Originally Posted by slayinbucks24/7
Originally Posted by bigcountry692001
After the 6 pt I had a hot doe come in so let her walk as we are starting the rut here. About 10 minutes later I heard a grunt and had a young basket 4 pt come in trailing her. I’m headed back tomorrow afternoon.

Good luck man!! Sounds like you're gonna get a shot at one soon. Have your grunt call ready to stop him today. It can happen really fast when they're chasing like that.

I busted a doe last night out of my ground blind. 1st deer I've killed out of it in the 3 years I've owned it. Also my longest bowkill on a deer at 34 yards. Big nanny. Earlier in the hunt,I had a really nice 3 yr old 8 point come within 30 yards of my blind, and I almost shot him;just figured he could use 1 more year. Prob 115" deer. Did get some pretty sweet footage of him though. I'll post the vids on here when I make it back to the house this evening.

Congrats! I just got set up. I bumped a couple coming in but should be ok

"You cant manage a deer herd with acorns."

-Dr. Craig Harper