Originally Posted by JayHook2
Need video proof the Muscovy was shot flying....

Back in 1990-91, I got my first lab. I was training him at home etc and thought I was doing a good job. Good friend's dad bought a huge farm (still has it) and it was loaded with ducks back then on the 8 acre lake and some of the other smaller stock ponds. We built a blind and started to hunt. There was a small resident pop of muscovies on it. One morning we were sitting in the blind and one buzzed the flight deck. You could feel the wind off his wings and my dog went ballistic. He slammed through the shoddy cane blind after the damn thing. I blew the whistle to no avail. Finally got him back to blind and under control. All the other guys in the blind were out of breath they had been laughing at me so hard. I was pissed to say the least. Beau got a ton better for the next season and never did anything like that again. Funny how memories are made...……………………….