Originally Posted by globe
On my place I don’t let my kids or their friends shoot spikes. We have enough bucks that they’ll be another opportunity soon enough. If the friends act right, they’ll be invited back. I can’t let them shoot a yearling spike. IMO

I guess I don't understand this logic. Unless you are hosting a bunch of kids, what does it hurt for a kid to take a spike as their first deer? I see young deer on the side of the road all the time. Not like there's a guarantee he's going to make it through the season.

My rules at the farm are simple. Kids, or anyone else for that matter, can shoot any legal deer for their first kill. Personally, I would rather see them shoot a spike than a 2-1/2 or 3-1/2 year old that has proven that he's smart enough to get across the road.

The spike is probably the lowest total impact to the overall herd, and the old dry doe is probably the absolute best deer to shoot.